
Upcoming Retreat: Unplug & Play with Wse Touch Healing

Come back to center.  Nourish your body.  Connect with your heart.August 23-27, Race Brook Lodge, Sheffield, MA  The transition between seasons is a potent time to shift your inner compass.  Move mindfully into the next chap…

Come back to center.  Nourish your body.  Connect with your heart.

August 23-27, Race Brook Lodge, Sheffield, MA  

The transition between seasons is a potent time to shift your inner compass.  Move mindfully into the next chapter as you:

- Connect with your inner strength and fluidity through vinyasa flow yoga

- Experience the support of your community through acroyoga, Thai massage and conscious  communication
- Cultivate deep stillness and receptivity to the beauty around you through hiking and meditation in the wilderness
- Open your heart and voice through song and chant

our Guides: Johanna Wise and Paul Harrigan are both Kripalu Yoga Teachers and Licensed Massage Therapists, and acroyoga practitioners (and Johanna is a certified acroyoga instructor).  They are spirit buddies who share a deep appreciation …

our Guides: 
Johanna Wise and Paul Harrigan are both Kripalu Yoga Teachers and Licensed Massage Therapists, and acroyoga practitioners (and Johanna is a certified acroyoga instructor).  They are spirit buddies who share a deep appreciation for the ways in which yoga, partner/ acroyoga, nature, meditation, chanting and bodywork can open our hearts and connect us with our highest self.  Their intention is to offer these tools as support to those on the journey towards greater self-love, empowerment, purpose and peace.


Wed Aug 23: 
4-6pm: We begin at with a welcome session that will include yoga and an introduction to Thai massage.
6-8: Dinner
8-9: Intention Setting Ritual

Thurs Aug 24:
7-8:45 Morning Practice (Pranayama, chanting, meditation, asana)
8:45-10:30: Breakfast Break
10:30-12: Yoga of Trust/ Acro
12-2: Lunch
2-5:30:  Waterfall hike/ meditation/ writing experience
5:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30-10 Thai massage

Fri Aug 25:
7-8:45 Morning Practice
8:45-10: Breakfast Break
10-5:30:  Hike to Mt. Everett/ Guilder Pond (on this hike we will enter into Loving Silence). This will include meditation in nature.  We will pack lunch.
5:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30-10 Optional evening activity --spiritual film screening

Sat Aug 26:
7-8:45 Morning Practice
8:45-10:30: Breakfast Break
10:30-12: Meditate & Hike  
12-2 Lunch
2-5:30 Vinyasa & Community/ Acro Yoga
5:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30-10 Music/ talent share

Sun Aug 27:
7-8:45 Morning Practice
8:45-10:30: Breakfast Break
10:30-12: Closing Ritual
12: Lunch 

*Note: much of the activities will be outside weather-permitting.  Indoor experiences will take place in the beautiful yoga barn.

Fees begin at $978+ tax for a double room.  Single rooms are also available. This is an all-inclusive program- rates cover accomodations, classes and 3 healthy and delicious meals per day for 4 nights. 

 For more information on rates, and to sign up for the program, please call 413.229.2916